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Move on, gorgeous!

I am at a place in my life where I just want to surround myself with good people. However I constantly hear, "Adreeahna, where is your boyfriend?" "Are you going to start having any kids?" I admit for a second it got to me. Seeing everyone I know in a relationship, married, and on their second or third child. I would meet up with old college roommates and they would talk about their children and only thing I could think about was which state I wanted to visit next.

However the more I thought about it the more I realized I am only 23 years old. I have the rest of my entire life to be someone's wife, girlfriend, mother. Why rush it now? Why invest my energy into failing relationships because I don't want to be alone? As women we spend so much time whining about why he hasn't called or why he mysteriously went ghost. The answer is very simple: he is not interested and MOVE ON honey boo boo kitty! Nothing is cute about losing weight, sleep, or sight of your goals over some man. You have got to stop believing something is better than nothing. You are no one's second option or pass time. It is time out for compromise, and thinking you and this guy just has to work. Stop thinking you have to put up with behaviors that you don't like. Remember, you were beautiful BEFORE he said you were. And there are plenty of fish in the sea! Arguing, fighting, and breaking up to make up is a waste of time.

You know your twenties are for figuring things out. Figuring out what you do and do not like. Figure out what is it out there. But most importantly figure out yourself! I am going to be the first to tell you: IT'S OKAY TO BE SINGLE! Honey, find you! And I am sure you are thinking but if I am single who I am going to hang out with? What am I going to do? Good question! Well take some time for you; get your nails done, your hair. Find a good group of girlfriends or maybe even one girlfriend and have lunch dates, take a road trip, have girls night. And don't tell me money is an issue because everything can be found on Groupon. But discover who you are and what you like!

Best thing you could ever do for yourself is invest in you. Find a hobby, get in shape, and travel. Date you! Take advantage of your freedom, and use it develop yourself. Be grateful for your right now. Learn how to be alone, not lonely!

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