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About a year ago. .

Accomplishments of 2017: I could go through a whole list! 2017 gave me so much to be grateful for. 2017 was the first official year of Actually, I Can! To launch a blog/ brand and make it a whole year was an accomplishment in itself. 2017 was also the launch of Start Somewhere: the Podcast which I host and founded myself and completed Season 1. I hosted a multitude of events: Vision Board Party, Does My Melanin Offend You, Everything is Figuroutable, Business & Brunch, What Are Your Heart's Desire,and Dream Board 2018. Wrote and self- published my first book: I Am Alright With Me (available on Amazon) I was featured on two YouTube channels.

Empty Bottle Chronicles Podcast

How To Cartoon Yourself | Vector Portrait Illustration -Robert Loyale

Accomplishments of 2017 could go on and on. The people I've meet, the places I've gone, and new endeavors I embarked on were all blessing, on blessing LITERALLY!

Best memory of 2017: In all honesty this is hard! I don't really have a best memory because I have so many memories that were the best. Best memories hands down was every single interview on Start Somewhere: the Podcast. The people I meet, the conversations I had, will be forever cherished. Being on Empty Bottle Chronicles Podcast, Going to Fei Vintage Apparel & Goods Grand Opening and Fashion Show, being on set of Save My Soul, Handle Bar Indy, Save My Soul Premiere, Volunteering for Breakfast with Santa for local homeless, domestic violence, and refugee shelters of Indiana.

Biggest Obstacle of 2017: You know my biggest obstacle of 2017 was MYSELF. In 2017 I was in my own way. When things didn't go how I envisioned or how I wanted them to go my favorite line unfortunately was "I was going to throw things into the trash" For example, when I first started my podcast it was a journey and at times I just couldn't figure things out. So I told myself forget it I was just going to throw the whole podcast in the trash. And then to be able to have had a whole season, I ask myself remember you were going to throw it in the trash. When I first wrote my book I went through a multitude of graphic designers, publishers, platforms I finally broke down and honestly throw the book in the trash for months. 2017 was really about overcoming my own self-doubt.

Top 5 beauty products: Well, fun fact I am a fitness instructor. Therefore bareface is life. I probably wear make up once or twice a month.

1. Clinque Prep Start Hydro Blur

2. MAC Lip Pencil Chestnut (HOLY GRAIL)

3. Colour Pop Limbo (perf nude)

4. Tarte Maracuja Oil

5. Benefit 3D BROWtones Eyebrow Enhancer

Favorite YouTubers:

1. Shirley B. Eniang (LIFE GOALS)

2. Ashley Devonna

3. Sparkle Marie

4. Amber Martin

5. Glam Twinz

6. inkSpotEntertainment: Everything I did wrong in my 20s (Not a YouTuber but favorite Youtube series)

Regrets of 2017: I regret being in my own way!

Most memorable phrases: "Honey Bye" (If you know me then you'll get it. Lol)

Embarrassing moment of 2017: As mentioned I am a fitness instructor. All my class are lower body and core. So lets just say my rear is rather round for my size. I went to an event and I had on pants that sized in the back. Lets just say when I sat down in pants the zipper exploded. As I stood up I felt a draft, I then noticed my rear was exploding out the back of the pants. Room full of people and my butt is hanging out. Embarrassing!

Lessons learned of 2017: check out "What 2017 has taught me" blog post.

Goals for 2018: WORKING ON ME! Getting established, opening multiple savings account; IRA Roth, Money Savings Account, a CD. Build my credit. Go to therapy, ready a book, journal, practice self care. Travel frequently. Take myself out on a date. Get my prayer life in order. Decorate my home. Pay off debt. Invest in my passions. Create a new hobby. Speak life into myself and circumstances. Create residual income, boss up, and say goodbye to these so called friends & men that don't serve me any growth!

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