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Indy Book Fest 2018

FIRST book fest was a SUCCESS! I’m so humbly grateful to had been asked to be a featured author in this years book festival. Amazingggg day, filled with even more amazing people. Beautiful sight to see so many authors come together. I would've never guest so many authors were in Indianapolis. I either need to get out more, or we all should start some sort of club. It always a pleasure when you can meet up with like minded people and share ideas. I felt so at home. Whats even more beautiful is when family & friends come and support you! It's been a rough couple of weeks, and to be honest I talked myself out of doing book fest a few times. But the Lord had other plans! Thank you all so much for your support! I’m still on cloud nine. I might for real be an author now. My autograph just might be worth something one day.

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